Mapping the Healthcare Experiences of Black Newcomers to Alberta
Patient journey-mapping project
We are learning from Black individuals what it’s like to find their way through Alberta’s healthcare system. We want to know about what has helped, what’s difficult, and what could be better.
Through a better understanding the experiences of Black newcomers to Alberta, and then mapping those experiences using human-centred design “journey maps” we hope to identify common challenges for further research, and inform future patient experiences and system re-design.
Our hope is to find ways to make Alberta’s healthcare system better in the future.
Who is Black (in Canada)?
A literature scoping review

When we started working to understand Black health experiences and health outcomes, we realized that academic publications and other literature vary in how they define who is “Black”.
This topic is important because there is such diversity and complexity of cultural traditions, ancestry, language, national identity, country of origin, and physical traits. This diversity among different Black communities also means that understanding health experiences and health outcomes becomes complex, and we want to ensure that we don’t create more confusion than already exists in our healthcare systems.

Medical Complexity
Scoping Review Protocol
‘Medical Complexity’ is a term used in the healthcare system to describe both the medical and non-medical needs for someone living with (often multiple) chronic conditions. This scoping review (meaning, a specific kind of academic literature review) aims to look at how ‘medical complexity’ is defined in the literature, identify key features of it, and how it is used in clinical care research.
This scoping review will look at specifically the medical pieces of complexity in emergency care settings.